Quantum Rings on CUDA-Q

Run Large-Scale Quantum Circuits Faster Than Ever with NVIDIA’s Accelerated Computing & GPUs!

Quantum circuit simulation just got a massive performance boost.

With Quantum Rings integrated into NVIDIA CUDA-Q, researchers and developers can now execute high-fidelity quantum circuit simulations on GPUs— achieving as much as a 16x performace improvement on the time first to shot, than our own breakthrough CPU simulations.

CUDA-Q + Quantum Rings Together

Quantum simulations have historically been constrained because of the complexity of information that can be encoded into the quantum state, and the ability of classical hardware to store that data. 

Quantum Rings’ simulation technology uses an exciting and novel approach to store, index, and process the quantum state efficiently while preserving the quantum nature and accomplishing a high level of fidelity. 

Combining the power of Quantum Rings’ simulation technology with NVIDIA’ s GPU and advanced computing capabilities, we are unlocking the ability for users to build larger and larger circuits, and to execute them quickly on even modest GPU resources, putting large-scale circuit execution in reach for more developers.

Blazing Fast Simulation

GPU acceleration enables quantum circuit execution orders of magnitude faster than CPU-based approaches.

Scales Without Compromise

Competing simulators either consume exponentially increasing compute resources, or they fail to faithfully simulate a quantum system, dropping entanglement, limiting precision, restricting operations, etc—we don’t.

High Fidelity & Precision

Simulated circuits retain full quantum properties for research-grade accuracy.

Accessible Today

The Quantum Rings simulator is available now for those ready to scale their quantum projects and unblock their quantum teams.

What is CUDA-Q?

NVIDIA CUDA-Q is an open-source quantum-classical computing platform that allows developers to integrate GPU acceleration into quantum circuit simulation. It provides a seamless bridge between classical and quantum computing, enabling high-performance quantum simulations on GPUs.  Today this framework is broadly used by quantum developers and researchers who aim to test larger and more complex quantum circuits, allowing them to run across GPU clusters.

By seamlessly integrating into CUDA-Q, Quantum Rings removes any barriers to entry for CUDA-Q users, allowing them to simply add Quantum Rings to their environment, change the backend, and run their circuits without further modification.

Case Study: The Performance Leap

In November 2024, Quantum Rings proved that Google's 2019 Quantum Supremacy circuits could be simulated on a laptop in just 2.5 days, a milestone in classical quantum computing. Now, we’re shattering that record with GPU acceleration, achieving a time to first-shot on the largest published circuit 16x faster with a single A100 GPU.  

This breakthrough makes previously impractical simulations accessible to everyone, at a low cost, putting quantum computing within reach for developers and researchers working on the application of quantum algorithms.

To put this in perspective, let’s look at prior publications…

Since the 2019 Quantum Supremacy Experiment, there have been a number of brilliant minds who have worked to show how effectively the same work can be done on classical computing infrastructure.

Many of them are listed below.

Research Group Year Resources Used Time / Estimate Description & Source
Google 2019 Classical Supercomputer
10,000 years

Google's estimate for how long classical methods would take.

Nature – Google's Quantum Supremacy Paper

Google 2019
Sycamore Quantum Processor
200 seconds

Ran full quantum circuit natively on hardware.

Nature – Google's Quantum Supremacy Paper

IBM 2019 Supercomputer 2.5 Days

Proposed improved classical simulation methodology on supercomputer, leveraging disk storage for state-vector computations.

IBM Research Blog – On Quantum Supremacy

arXiv:1910.09534 [quant-ph]

Various Estimates by Cotengra, Alibaba, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others 2020-2021 Various HPC 149 days-3,088 years

Various attempts to estimate simulation methods

arXiv – Simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy circuits

arXiv - Hyper-optimized tensor network contraction

arXiv - Classical Simulation of Quantum Supremacy Circuits

Quantum Rings 2024 Consumer Grade CPU 2 Hours and 46 minutes to build state and complete first shot

2.5 Days to complete all 2.5M Shots

First to execute Google’s actual circuits as published– on consumer-grade computing; maintains excellent quantum fidelity.

Quantum Rings Blog - Breakthrough in Large-Scale Quantum Circuit Simulation

arXiv - Empowering Large Scale Quantum Development: Effective Simulation of Sycamore Circuits

Quantum Rings 2025 One A100 GPU 10 minutes to build state and complete first shot Execution of the full execution of the first shot of the quantum supremacy circuit, maintaining quantum fidelity with an ~16x speedup!

What does this all mean?

It means that you can now simulate massive circuits, previously thought impossible, on classical computing resources that are easily accessible to you— you can do this today. And now, it’s faster than ever when you combine the power of Quantum Rings with the power of NVIDIA.

Try It Today

Whether you are getting ready to scale your quantum algorithms, or whether your just getting started, Quantum Rings will work for you.
